Growth and Updates


BY Samuel Fan / ON Nov 13, 2022

Growth and Updates

Since 2021, we have transitioned out of our startup phase through Quest Incubator (a business program at VCHS), expanded our team, and extended our reach to junior high students and parents. We now have 30 team members throughout our frontend, backend, and business subgroups. In addition to expanding our internal team, our student userbase has grown to a staggering 1260+ users!

Furthermore, the future of VC Assist looks bright with our new expansion plans. First, a VC Assist Parent Portal will soon be available to VCHS parents which will be linked with their students’ accounts. One exciting feature of the Parent Portal is the ability to view their students’ grade trends through a line chart. In addition to our Parent Portal, we will soon be able to serve our junior high students by launching a JH VC Assist expansion. Lastly, we hope to further expand VC Assist beyond just Valley Christian. We are seeking to expand to other high schools nearby such as Mitty, Bellarmine, Notre Dame, Presentation, Harker, St. Francis, Lynbrook, and Mission. Our business team is currently working on contacting administrators at these schools.

VC Assist has grown profusely since 2021 and our team is still working hard to continue our growth!



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